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1. The man was knocked over while he was reading a book:

The man was looking for a book and it looked like he found the book he needed.
He was reading intently when suddenly the door behind him opened and he was knocked over with no one there.

2. The man was being dragged while he was walking on the corridor of a building:

The man was walking on the corridor of a building.
When he turned left, suddenly a black shadow appeared and dragged him.
He panicked and quickly turned back, and didn’t go in that direction.

3. A drunk man is saved by a mysterious figure:

It seemed that the man fell off the bridge, but suddenly a mysterious black figure appeared quickly to save him and also quickly disappeared.

4. The man disappeared into the air:

Despite being close to a residential area it was not popular. However, there had been reports of molestation and theft.
So, there was equipped with CCTV as a countermeasure.
However, contrary to its purpose, it is said that mysterious phenomena were also recorded.
A man was walking to the back of the screen.
But at a certain moment, he suddenly disappeared in the air.
It looked like being sucked into another world.
Similar to the missing person.
It was mysterious phenomenon, but it was still an uncommon place.

5. Humanoid shadow walked through the wall:

The humanoid shadow suddenly appeared and slowly passed through the wall.

6. The man was being shoved by an invisible force:

The man was holding a water bottle.
He was drinking water while walking forward.
Suddenly an invisible force pushed him back for a while and disappeared behind the door.

7. The woman got out of the room unusually:

A man entered the room and then a woman got out of the room irregularly with the shape of a transparent shadow.
He also left the room and ran away in panic.

8. The woman disappeared into the wall:

CCTV has been installed everywhere to continue recording our lives.
It’s a video from CCTV posted by a man who works for a security company.
This could be a late-night shot inside a certain corporate building.
Different from those who are working overtime.
A woman is walking into a deserted hallway.
When she stops, she turns right and disappears into the wall.
The room on the other side of the wall has been used as a warehouse for many years because there are very few people come and go.

9. The black shadow knocked the man on the stairs:

The man and his friend were walking down the stairs.
Suddenly, he was knocked down by a black shadow.
He and his friend panicked and went back upstairs.

10. Ghost went through the door:

There was a faint white shadow like the shape of a woman was walking slowly towards the door.
When the faint white shadow reached the door, it slowly disappeared.
After 3 hours, the white shadow appeared in front of the door and went out.

11. Mysterious black shadow on the escalator:

This is a CCTV footage of a department store where it captured the supernatural scene. This video could be saved because it was an event that occurred by March 2nd. And the events took place during that time within the mall.
There were many people using the service.
Then one of the CCTV cameras in front of the escalator inside the mall was able to capture this event.
That was an event where people who used the service in the mall walked up and down the escalator as usual.
But suddenly, when a man walked up to the escalator in order to go downstairs, there was also a mysterious black shadow shaped like a person appeared near the escalator and walked then stood on the escalator next to him.

Watch Situation Escalator: “Mysterious black shadow on the escalator” now!

Call To Action

Thing Intruded By Entity

1. The man was knocked over while he was reading a book:
Room Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord
2. The man was being dragged while he was walking on the corridor of a building:
Corridor Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord
3. A drunk man is saved by a mysterious figure:
Bridge Intruded By Form Death Lord
4. The man disappeared into the air:
Lane Intruded By Form Land Ghost
5. Humanoid shadow walked through the wall:
Hallway Intruded By Form Death Lord
6. The man was being shoved by an invisible force:
Room Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord
7. The woman got out of the room unusually:
Room Intruded By Field Land Ghost
8. The woman disappeared into the wall:
Hallway Intruded By Form Land Ghost
9. The black shadow knocked the man on the stairs:
Stairs Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord
10. Ghost went through the door:
Room Intruded By Magnetic Sky Ghost
11. Mysterious black shadow on the escalator:
Escalator Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord

Hold God's Hand

1. The man was knocked over while he was reading a book:
From Awaking "Room Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
And Healing & Saving "Room Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
2. The man was being dragged while he was walking on the corridor of a building:
From Awaking "Corridor Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
And Healing & Saving "Corridor Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
3. A drunk man is saved by a mysterious figure:
From Awaking "Bridge Intruded By Form Death Lord"
And Healing & Saving "Bridge Intruded By Form Death Lord"
4. The man disappeared into the air:
From Awaking "Lane Intruded By Form Land Ghost"
And Healing & Saving "Lane Intruded By Form Land Ghost"
5. Humanoid shadow walked through the wall:
From Awaking "Hallway Intruded By Form Death Lord"
And Healing & Saving "Hallway Intruded By Form Death Lord"
6. The man was being shoved by an invisible force:
From Awaking "Room Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
And Healing & Saving "Room Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
7. The woman got out of the room unusually:
From Awaking "Room Intruded By Field Land Ghost"
And Healing & Saving "Room Intruded By Field Land Ghost"
8. The woman disappeared into the wall:
From Awaking "Hallway Intruded By Form Land Ghost"
And Healing & Saving "Hallway Intruded By Form Land Ghost"
9. The black shadow knocked the man on the stairs:
From Awaking "Stairs Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
And Healing & Saving "Stairs Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
10. Ghost went through the door:
From Awaking "Room Intruded By Magnetic Sky Ghost"
And Healing & Saving "Room Intruded By Magnetic Sky Ghost"
11. Mysterious black shadow on the escalator:
From Awaking "Escalator Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"
And Healing & Saving "Escalator Intruded By Magnetic Death Lord"

Hold Supreme Truth

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Lamb’s Life Book

« Heaven’s Gate
Written In The Life Book »

Revelation 20:14
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Revelation 20:15
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

God’s Hand

« Hold God’s Hand
Believe You Can »

Who’s God

« The Supreme Truth
Is Just Me »

Mother God’s Fire Lake

« Hell’s Gate
Cast Into The Fire Lake »

  • 0.0. Unintention Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Primordial Period« Written In The Life Book »
  • 0.1. Existence Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Cold Space Father God« Written In The Life Book »
  • 0.2. Intellect Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Hot Galaxy Father God« Written In The Life Book »
  • 0.3. Intellect Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Hot Solar Mother God« Written In The Life Book »
  • 0.4. Nonexistence Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Cold Hole Death Lord« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
  • 0. Lust Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Ground Naked Human Child Form« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
  • 1. Mercy Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Sky Deity« Written In The Life Book »
  • 2. Intellect Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Heaven Sky Fairy Child God« Written In The Life Book »
  • 3. Courage Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Earth Deity« Written In The Life Book »
  • 4. Good Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Water Deity« Written In The Life Book »
  • 5. Evil Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Land Ghost« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
  • 6. Cruelty Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Sky Ghost« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
  • 7. Wisdom Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Hell Sky Demon Devil Lord« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
  • 8. Coward Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Earth Ghost« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
  • 9. Nonexistence Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Cold Extreme Death Lord« Cast Into The Fire Lake »

God’s Judgment

Copyright © 2024 Lamb’s Life Book according to God’s Will

Built since The Beginning by Father GodHosted since The Beginning by Mother God

Will Be Taken in The End by Child God | Will Be Opened in The End by Child God

Guarded since The Beginning by Seven Eyes of Child God are Seven Spirits of Father God

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