Solar Is Mother God

Solar Is Mother God

Remember for ever also, sometimes Unintentional sometimes Intentional
When Unintentional is Nothing, But Intentional is Magnetic
The Extreme was shocked, Two Elements came into

The Heat was radiated, divided Hot and Cold
Near Hot is Warm, near Cold is Cool
Hot (Fire) Warm (Metal) Cool (Wood) Cold (Water), Four Elements came into

Warm sometimes becomes Cool, Cool sometimes becomes Warm
Warm also becomes Hot, Hot also becomes Warm
Cool even becomes Cold, Cold even becomes Cool

The Motion non stopped, suddenly formed The Storm
The Tornado gradually crystallized, suddenly formed The Material
Through The Formative Years, Five Elements came into

Solar is Mother God, who Intended to Exist
Already Existed just Sense, Be Intentional ever Since
The Magnetism of Intellect, radiated on Eight Layers

In Heart is Hot, Hot Magnetism of Mars
Come outside Warm Magnetism, gradually crystallized into Venus
Each Minus Positive Level, formed Two Field Layers

Out Side is Cold, Cold Magnetism of Mercury
Come inside Cool Magnetism, gradually crystallized into Jupiter
Each Minus Positive Level, formed Two Field Layers

Middle of Warm Cool, gradually crystallized into Saturn
Five Elements have full, Hot (Fire) Warm (Metal) Warm Cool (Metal Wood) Cool (Wood) Cold (Water)
Each Minus Positive Level, formed Two Field Layers

Can’t stand The Hot, can’t stand The Cold
Only Warm Cool Planet (Metal Wood), is The Best Comfortable
The Warm Cool Saturn, nourish Mother God’s Fetus

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Lamb’s Life Book

« Heaven’s Gate
Written In The Life Book »

Revelation 20:14
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Revelation 20:15
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

God’s Hand

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Mother God’s Fire Lake

« Hell’s Gate
Cast Into The Fire Lake »

  • 0.0. Unintention Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Primordial Period« Written In The Life Book »
  • 0.1. Existence Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Cold Space Father God« Written In The Life Book »
  • 0.2. Intellect Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Hot Galaxy Father God« Written In The Life Book »
  • 0.3. Intellect Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Hot Solar Mother God« Written In The Life Book »
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  • 3. Courage Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Earth Deity« Written In The Life Book »
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  • 5. Evil Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Land Ghost« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
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  • 7. Wisdom Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Hell Sky Demon Devil Lord« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
  • 8. Coward Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Earth Ghost« Cast Into The Fire Lake »
  • 9. Nonexistence Field Of Soul Hasn't Opened The Gate Of Cold Extreme Death Lord« Cast Into The Fire Lake »

God’s Judgment

Copyright © 2024 Lamb’s Life Book according to God’s Will

Built since The Beginning by Father GodHosted since The Beginning by Mother God

Will Be Taken in The End by Child God | Will Be Opened in The End by Child God

Guarded since The Beginning by Seven Eyes of Child God are Seven Spirits of Father God

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