The Significance of “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.”

The sentence “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness” is a profound and significant statement from Jesus Christ in Matthew 3:15. It carries immense weight and conveys several crucial messages about Jesus’ mission, character, and the path to righteousness.

Context of the Phrase

It is found in Matthew 3:15, is Jesus’ response to John the Baptist’s hesitation to baptize him, highlights his humility and willingness to serve others. Despite being the Messiah, Jesus submits to John’s authority, demonstrating his selfless nature and disregard for personal status.

Significance of the Phrase

In essence, the sentence “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness” encapsulates the essence of Jesus’ mission and the path to true righteousness – one that requires obedience, humility, service, and a steadfast commitment to God’s will.

Here are some key takeaways from this statement:

Fulfilling All Righteousness: Jesus’ baptism is not merely a symbolic act but a crucial step in fulfilling all righteousness. It symbolizes his identification with humanity’s sin and his willingness to bear the burden of redemption. This righteousness goes beyond personal morality and encompasses aligning one’s actions with God’s purpose.

Obedience to God’s Will: The phrase “Suffer it to be so now” can be interpreted as a call to obedience, urging John to follow God’s plan and fulfill his role in baptizing Jesus. This underscores Jesus’ unwavering commitment to God’s will, even when it deviates from conventional expectations.

Model of Service: By allowing himself to be baptized by John, Jesus sets an example of humility and service. He prioritizes the needs of others, even those seemingly beneath him, demonstrating a profound dedication to serving God’s will.

Application of the Phrase

This statement serves as a call to action for all Christians to follow Jesus’ example of service, humility, obedience, and righteousness. It challenges us to put aside our personal desires and prioritize the fulfillment of God’s plan.


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